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Thursday 8 January 2015

Quick Girls! Snare one whilst you can!

In London, to combat the tube journey home we are lucky enough to receive a fabulously free publication - the Evening Standard. Even better, the commute home is never more brightened then when you are able to stroll into one of the carriages, pop yourself down into a seat you do, after all, pay for, only to find it furnished with today's evening's standard. And guess what? Boom!! Today this prophecy came true!

Mid way through my read I happened upon an article entitled 'Looking for love: Are these men the City's most eligible bachelors?'

How wonderful, the Evening Standard has taken it upon themselves to eek out the best catches the city has to offer and published their moodiest corporate looking poses, so London's women can swoon all the way home and imagine that these handsome, well salaried men might be the one to put a ring on it. I can almost hear galloping horses in the distance.. 

Let's take a closer look at the credentials of these bachelors who are so struggling to find love Joshi Herrmann of the  Evening Standard had decided to champion their cause.

Henry Adefope, 25Financial PR 
Successful City publicist.
It literally is one-night stands [at the moment]. That’s it. It really is a trophy. I’m attracted to Victoria’s Secret models. Normally they are foreign so it’s a fly-by-night thing. 

Wow wee ladies. What a catch! A self styled Leonardo di Caprio who at the age of 25 has declared himself only interested in Victoria's Secret models... A successful city publicist (do they even exist?! Has anyone ever met one?) seems adept at publicising what he wants - a quickie with someone whose most attractive quality is possessing a protruding ribcage, who doesn't live here (less messy) and doesn't mind being displayed as the trophy he is using you to display! But don't hang around in the morning.. that flight back to Timbuktu will be waiting...

Dan Pring, 29Insurer 
Public schoolboy — good at rugby and underwriting South American risk.
 “I’ve never met up with a Tinder date more than once. The challenge is finding a nice stand-up lady who can meet the parents.”

To be fair a slightly rubbish explanation of poor Dan and hardly selling him... a public schoolboy (yes, ten to a penny in the city and really means that he will have an unwarranted superiority complex with the bizarre believe intellectualism doesn't exist beyond a paid for education) who plays rugby (sorry to stereotype but... public schoolboy in rugby playing shocker) and underwrites South American risks (Possibly well versed in the bribery act). It seems as though the singles ladies of the city have bypassed Dan (where does he hang out?!) and he's turned to Tinder.. not much success there either. I'm rather perplexed as to what a 'nice stand-up lady' means? Is Dan really saying his image of a wife is a wholesome well bred young lady who probably wears little make up, has few opinions to air and will be perfect to introduce to his equally as vacuous parents when she wafts in with a Sloaney air of public school breeding? 

Sean Mooney, 29Commodities sales 
Everest-climbing, Channel-swimming Canadian catch. 
“I wouldn’t be opposed to [dating] a woman working in finance, but it’s not what I’m looking for.”

Scrimped on content compared to his counterparts, but Sean displays in so few words possibly the worst type of man in the dating pool for any would be wife. As he works in Sales I'd hazard a guess Sean is an alpha male, this being reinforced by his extra curricular pursuits of a weekend... climbing Everest (as you do) and swimming the channel ( a quick 30 miles on a Sunday morning) with regular trips back to Canada to see the family. And this is how he's choosing to boast about advertise himself?  Somehow I think if you were Sean's girl you'd be playing second fiddle not only to an aspiring career, but an egotistical hero complex which can only be exercised with ironman after ironman after marathon des sables.. it's OK though you and the baby will probably be well compensated whilst he's living the life he needs to get one over on his equally as competitive, ambitious, m-dotted colleagues...  and a bonus could be you'd probably never see him!

Wow Evening Standard! You know how to pick 'em!

PS: Can't wait to read the city's most eligible women in tomorrow's standard!